• What is the Sealease product ?

    Since 2006 Sealease offers a leasing product on yachts, specifically designed to the marine professionals.

    Sealease buys the boat and provides a leasing formula between 4 and 8 years, with an upfront payment and a purchase option at the end of the lease.

    For the operator it is an ideal manner to grow the fleet without committing all working capital to the Capex.

    It is an off-balance sheet operation without surprises, regarding monthly lease amounts.

    The Sealease team has excellent relations with all main suppliers in this industry and aims at reducing the Total Cost of Ownership of the operator.

    With more than 400 units aquired to date, we have gained experience and volume leverage which we offer to our valued customers.

  • What is the life cycle of a lease contract?

    Before making any lease quotation on a boat, Sealease will review the KYC documents of the prospect.

    Once this due diligence is completed we configurate the boat which needs to be financed (specs, pricing, warrantees, etc).

    Upon acceptance of our lease quote, the lease contract is reviewed for signature. The boat is ordered by Sealease and paid to the wharf.

    We secure transportation to destination, delivery, commissioning and flagging.

    As the boat is delivered to the charter company, the lease period kicks-off with monthly lease fees during the duration of the lease.

    At the end of the term the customer buys the vessel or returns it to Sealease who will do the re-marketing.

  • Which info does Sealease need for its due diligence, in order to commit to fund our boats ?

    In full confidence, the Sealease credit committee will review your basic KYC data :

    • The latest financials (BS, P&L, CF)

    • Corporate info (Articles of Association, shareholding, etc)

    • The business plan for the boat you want to finance, forward bookings, etc

    • Any other relevant data

  • Does Sealease finance second hand boats ?

    Sealease offers long term full service lease products with or without a fixed purchase option.

    Yes, we can, even though we typically only finance new builts.

    However, we woud only explore financing of fairly recent boats from renowned manufacturers with a solid residual value.

    We would need detailed evaluation by a neutral surveyor to determine the correct pricing, warrantees, etc.

  • How much upfront payment does Sealease require ?

    Our customers will come up with 20-25% upfront payment at the start of the lease. A part is a deposit and the other part is the down payment.

    At the end of the lease period the deposit will be released and deducted from the purchase option if the customer wishes to aquire the boat.

    For the monthly lease installment Sealease requires a standing order by an accepted bank (no cheques or other payment methods).

  • Does Sealease allow seasonal lease rates ?

    Yes, we can, even though we typically have fixed rates during the length of the lease.

    However, in certain cases we acknowledge that the difference in charter income between high versus low season is significantly different. We could envisage half of the lease rates during six months and the other six months double of the lease rates… over a period of 12 months this would equate to the same.

  • In which geographical regions can I operate the boat ?

    The Sealease fleet is currently operating in a wide variety of countries, mainly in the Mediteranean and the Caribean region.

    Any other location will require proof of stability from a policical / economical perspective and potential coverage by credit insurance as well as insurance companies.

    Regions that are excluded by UNO conventions are equally excluded for Sealease.

  • Can I contract my own insurance broker ?

    Yes, you can, even we would highly recommend using the Sealease insurance package.

    We do indeed have an exhaustive cover and a competitive price level through volume leverage.

    In certain cases we accept that the operator uses its long term insurance broker but only on the condition that the content is minimum equally as comprehensive as ours and provided that Sealese is the Ultimate Beneficiary Owner of the policy.

    It is obvious that in this case, the customer will provide formal proof the yearly renewals of the insurance policies.

  • Who is responsible for the maintenance of the boats ?

    The operator is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the boat.

    Hence we only finance renowned charter companies who have a long standing experience in the marine industry.

    Proper maintenance is formally required as per our lease contract, in order to maintain the value of the vessel at any time during the lease period.

    In addition, the Sealease team also reserve the right to inspect any vessel at any time (provided advance notice is giving to the operator not to obstruct the ongoing business).

    Needless to say that a proper maintenance is also enhancing the value for the customer when exercising the purchase option of the end of the lease.

  • I want to discuss this opportunity in more detail, how can I contact Sealease ?

    Thank you for your interest in Sealease ! Our team would gladly respond to your inquery.

    We have our main offices in Brussels and our experienced team members can address you in a variety of languages

    Do link up with us through our social media, call or mail. Or better even, let’s meet during one of the trade shows.

    Tel : 0032/26491289 Mail : contact@sealease.com

  • I have a prospect who needs financing for one of our boats, can Sealease assist ?

    Yes, we can,

    Often so, the manufacturer has a prosect for a boat but fails to sell due to the lack of funds from the client.

    In case the manufactuter assumes the prospect has the required financial strength to carry a lease we are eager to assist in the due diligence and potentially make a lease proposal

  • Does Sealease finance floor plans ?

    No, we don’t.

    Sealease however can explore to commit to future volumes for specfic units we feel will have a customer upon complotion.

  • I want to buy a boat for private use but do not have the funds

    No, we don’t finance private leases.

    Sealease has been in the B2B business since 2006 and wishes to focus on the professionals of the marine industry with solid financials and a long term vision.